What Do We Actually Have Faith In?

Broken Dreams Reborn Full Time RV Life Faith in Jesus What Is Faith In God?

You’re probably wondering what or who we actually have faith in anyhow. Everything you’re about to read in this blog is what we believe and explains our faith. The short answer is God and it’s as simple and complicated as that. Great, are we done here? No, no, no, I’m joking. I definitely have more explaining to do!

Who is GOD?

There is only one God who creates everything that exists. However, where things might sound a little complicated is that there is one God in three persons. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. Otherwise known as the Holy Trinity. Trust me, I’ll explain that much better in just a bit. First, we’ve got a few more things to cover. So, stay with me!

What went wrong?

Ever since the beginning of mankind, God has made it clear that we may do this, but must never do that. You know, being the Creator of everything gives God the right to decide what’s good and what’s bad. When we do something against God’s stated perfect will, commands or values it’s called sin.

Does sin really matter?

In the beginning, God created mankind to be with Him in a perfect God honoring relationship. However, God also gave us free will and the big problem was that mankind chose to sin. As you can imagine, sin not only means we’ve gone against God and need to make things right, but it also literally separates us from God.

Since God is completely good, righteous and holy, our sin makes us less than perfectly righteous and holy and makes it impossible for us alone to totally make things right with God again after we sin. We can’t be in a perfect relationship with our perfect God when our unforgiven sin is in the way. A price has to be paid and a sacrifice made for our sin. We need salvation. So, what do we do?

Well, that’s where Jesus comes in. Remember we mentioned Him? God the Son. Okay. So, even with all the repentance, dedication to God and other God honoring things mankind can and absolutely should be doing to honor and love God, those things simply can never be enough to make things totally right with God and restore our relationship with Him. So, what did Jesus do to fix this? 

Who is Jesus?

Jesus, who was and is God, also came to Earth as a man. When you’re God you can do that. Specifically, He came as a baby born of a virgin named Mary. Feeling like Christmas all of a sudden? Yeah, that’s where that celebration comes from.

Anyhow, back to Jesus. Since mankind is who sinned in the first place, mankind is who had to make everything right with God the Father. A price had to be paid, a sacrifice needed to be made. Remember that? In comes Jesus. Jesus, who was still God, also came to Earth as part of mankind, one of us you could say. He lived 33 years as a man and lived a perfectly righteous and holy life. He never sinned once and lived in a right relationship with God his whole earthly life. That’s something that no other human has ever or will ever do again this side of heaven.

Since Jesus lived a perfectly holy and righteous life, He never deserved death. He never deserved separation from God the Father and never owed a price for sin since He had none of His own. HOWEVER, why Jesus came to Earth as a man in the first place and live the perfect life we could never live was to be our sacrifice and pay the price for our sins that only we needed to pay but only our perfect God was capable of paying. Remember, a price needed to be paid and a perfect sacrifice made for our sins to be forgiven? So, Jesus, in the ultimate act of love, took the weight of our sins upon himself and gave up his earthly life for our benefit, our salvation. But, how do accept His free gift of salvation?

What is salvation and how do I get it?

So, after Jesus paid the price for our sins and became mankind’s perfect sacrifice, God the Father accepted His sacrifice and approved. Since His sacrifice was accepted, on the third day after dying on the cross, Jesus came back to life here on Earth. Now, even though Jesus died so everyone could be saved from the eternal price of our sins, there’s still one thing you have to do to get this free gift of salvation from God. To get credit for the sacrifice Jesus made and have your sins forgiven, imputed righteousness, you must first accept it.

First, you have to believe God is who He says He is. Second, you have to be repentant of your sins and have faith in God. All of us can be saved by God’s grace through faith in Him. We can’t earn it. Saved by God’s grace through faith alone. I’ve talked a lot about our faith and what we believe, but you might be wondering what exactly is faith itself? How do you know if you have it?

How do I know if I have faith in God?

Faith in God, believing in God, means your new nature is to rely on Him. You’re born again and made a new creation. I’ve heard it said that having faith in God is sort of like being in a completely dark room and being told a chair is right behind you. You’re told to sit in that chair, but you can’t see it. You can’t reach around and feel it. You can only trust that it’s there and take a seat, rest in it. Faith may start out weak and grow over the course of our lives. But in the end, either you have faith in God or you don’t.

Of course, Jesus said it best in God’s Word (the Bible) in John 3:5-6. “Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Does having faith in God make me perfect?

So, that’s a two-part answer. First, having faith in God, relying on Him and receiving His free gift of salvation does not make us perfect in this stage of life. Yes, we have a new nature to put God first, rely on Him and honor His will for every part of our lives. But, let’s be honest. While we’re living this part of life here on Earth, we all still have our old selves to contend with and our old ways creeping back into our lives from time to time. There’s always temptation around here. That’s another reason salvation is so awesome! If you have a repentant heart and have faith in God, your sins past, present and future are forgiven. It’s not a ticket to go sin as much as we want, but rather God’s grace forgiving us in our imperfect lives and choices.

That bring us to the second part of that answer. Although we will still not live perfectly in this stage of life, we are seen as perfect in eternity when this part of life is over and we one day stand before God for judgement. Remember the term, imputed righteousness? If we have faith in the part of life we’re in right now, we will be seen as perfect on judgement day just as Jesus Christ is perfect strictly because of the sacrifice He made on our behalf. That’s how we get to heaven. So, heaven, what does that mean exactly?

What is heaven and hell?

The most important benefit of salvation is that when these bodies of ours no longer function and ultimately die, our soul goes to one of two places. By the way, you and I are souls and our current bodies are simply the “meat suits” we wear for now. I know that’s rather graphic and I’m sorry, but it’s a good simple explanation. We’ll talk about soul and spirit in another blog. For now, back to heaven and hell.

Heaven is for those who accepted God’s free gift of salvation in the stage of life we’re in now just as we discussed earlier. It is an actual place where we go to rest and have life directly with God and our eternal family. Family we’ll never again have to say goodbye to, our brothers and sisters in Christ. The other place our soul could go is hell. As for Shion and I, praise God, we’re definitely going to heaven!

Undoubtedly, just hearing the word hell brings up cartoonish visions of red demons with pitch forks and stuff. Erase that from your mind because hell is much worse than that and much more serious. Hell is eternal separation from God. One day we’ll all meet God face to face for judgement. If someone gets sentenced to hell for a life lived without salvation and rejecting God, their soul spends eternity permanently separated from God and in absolutely indescribable torment by, among other things, the weight of your guilt and absence of anything good ever again. And then, there’s the lake of fire, but we’ll save that for another blog. There’s more to it than that, but as I said before, this particular blog is just an introduction to our faith and I’m keeping things simple.

Other benefits of faith in Jesus!

Besides salvation, we get to pray to God through Jesus Christ while enjoying a personal relationship with Him. By the way, Christ is not His last name. It’s His title meaning anointed one or chosen one. No one approaches the Father except through Him. So, we pray in Jesus’ name. We also get peace and joy from our relationship with God. Not every situation in our lives is what we would call a good or happy situation. However, the peace and joy God blesses us with through faith transcends all the bad stuff we endure in this life no matter the reason it’s happening. Do we hurt? Yes. Do we suffer? Of course. But having a certain level of peace and joy constant in your life and focusing on God helps us immensely through every situation.

Let me explain the Holy Trinity simply!

Okay. I said in the beginning I would give a better explanation of the Holy Trinity. The key to understanding one God in three persons (The Holy Trinity) is to keep it simple and ask three questions. Who? What? Why?

Who is the Holy Trinity?

“Who” is the Holy Trinity? God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. But, think of it this way. My name is Matthew and everything that makes me Matthew is “Who” I am. My “Person” is who I am. Your person is “Who” you are. Jesus, the son of God, a distinct person and that is “Who” He is. Same with the Holy Spirit and God the Father. All three are distinct persons whether they exist in physical form or not. Your “Person” is “Who” you are.

What is the Holy Trinity?

“What” is the Holy Trinity? Okay. Now, we move to “What” you are. I am a human being and I am only a human being. A human is “What” I am, it is my being. God is His being. Being God is “What” He is. Same with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Distinct persons (who they are) but as far as “what” they are, they are God.

Now, to avoid confusion, keep it simple. You and I only get one person for one being. One “Who” matched up with one “What”. However, God being God can exist as three persons to one being. Three “Who” for one “What”. When you create the world and everything else in existence you tend to get to make that kind of decisions yourself.

Just to keep things straight, remember that since your person is “Who” you are and your being is “What” you are, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all only one God even though they are three distinct persons. Are you still with me? Good! I know you might still be a little confused, so just one more question to clear it all up.

Why a Holy Trinity?

Why a Holy Trinity? This is where it should all finally come together and make sense. Why does God choose to exist as three persons instead of just one? I’m sure that’s what you’re asking. Wouldn’t that make things easier on us simple humans? The answer is because even though God is literally real and actually exists, He exists as one God in three persons because He is also the perfect spiritual relationship.

A pastor friend of ours perhaps said it best. God the Father is ultimately in charge. He sits on His throne and commands. God the Son is the man of action. He listens to God the Father and carries out the will of the Father. God the Holy Spirit empowers and indwells in those on mission for God.

For example, when Jesus was on Earth carrying out God the Father’s will, God’s Word actually tells us Jesus was lead by the Holy Spirit. They are all the same single God but three persons for a perfect spiritual relationship.

Where do we fit into all that?

We, those who have faith in Jesus Christ, plug into this grand spiritual perfect relationship with Jesus. When you have saving faith in Jesus, He calls us to pick up our own cross and follow Him and He follows the will of the Father while we are being empowered and lead by the Holy Spirit. So, Jesus is our way in. When you have faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit indwells in your heart as you seek to live in a right relationship with God.

All this leads to, one day, when these bodies no longer function, we, our soul, gets to be with God for eternity!             

What’s next?

Now, with belief and faith in God, salvation in hand, the next part of our journey is getting to know Him better as you start living out your faith and working on our day to day relationship with God. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus perfectly reestablished our relationship with God! However, being saved isn’t the end of the line. You will undoubtedly want to have God, the all powerful creator who loves you so much He sacrificed His one and only son, in every part of your daily life! I mean, how great is that?

It starts with God’s Word. It’s, basically, His instruction for how we are to live in a right relationship with Him, it teaches us all about Him and much more. There are many good translations. But, we usually tend to prefer the ESV, English Standard Version, of the Bible since it’s more of a word for word translation using the oldest known reliable scripture. However, sometimes it takes multiple translations to really get the meaning of a part of scripture.

You may have noticed I didn’t use too many Bible versus in this particular blog. I wanted to keep things easy and simple for this introduction to our faith. Going forward, we’ll weave in what God has to say directly about everything we discuss using scripture references.

Our promise to you going forward on this blog!

There’s so much more we could say and need to share with you about our faith, but that’s the point of this blog, Faith On The Road. Going forward, we’ll talk about things such as what else we believe, other aspects of our faith, how we apply it to our lives, our challenges, joys, heartaches, blessings, successes and of course when we fail and how we ourselves need help and prayers. We promise to always keep it real with you and always give God the credit for everything good in our lives. After all, there is no good apart from God!

Do you have questions or statements about faith?

If after reading all this, you now have more questions about faith in God or you want to make a public declaration of faith in Christ, we have some great options we hope will help!

OPTION 1: Comment below if you don’t mind your thoughts, questions, testimony or concerns being public.

OPTION 2: For biblically inspired answers to thousands of questions about God, try this website: Gotquestions.org. It’s certainly not an absolutely perfect resource, but we use it a lot for some of our own questions and feel like it’s a good starting place for further research for many different questions about God and faith.

OPTION 3: Email us at brokendreamsreborn@gmail.com. We would love to speak with you personally about whatever you need help with understanding spiritually or even introduce you to one of our wiser faith filled friends who may also be able to help.

God Bless and we’ll see y’all in the next post here in Faith On The Road!

2 thoughts on “What Do We Actually Have Faith In?”

  1. Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing the gospel! I’m so glad you’re saved and though we might not meet here we for sure will meet in heaven with our Savior!

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